Photography is a form of relationship with the poiesis of every day. It is a way to conjugate our time with the rhythm of the cloud reader
Álvaro Alejandro López , Mexico City. Worked in the publishing industry. Recently, he began to exhibit his personal photographic projects. Some have been presented in Mexico, USA, Canada, Spain, Belgium, Iceland, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands.
Oscar Wilde argued that only superficial people do not judge by appearances; observing him redeems the observer who, seduced by the casual coupling of two objects, a letter and a page, a hand and a landscape, a book and a body, for example, believes he understands a message, follows a narrative. The beautiful images of Álvaro Alejandro are an elegant mise en abîme because the narration that we think we see is made up of fragments of other narrations...
Alberto Manguel
Each photo by Álvaro
Alejandro López is a mirror inside and beyond which it is possible to jump, like Alice discovering Wonderland. Precisely because in each photo above the evidence the background counts: everything that is "before" and "beyond" and which allows things to congeal in the "scena fulminata"...
Paolo Ruffilli